Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I've got a little itch and I'm thirsty, all I wanna know is, whos coming with me?

Once again, I have neglected blogging. I apologize for the lack of quality time I have given this thing. When I first started I felt like I had a million things to talk about, now I feel I'm just sitting around, waiting to be inspired and it has yet to happen. Then last night I decided that I need to just inspire myself, what a thought.

Lately I've been thinking so much about where I want to end up in life. 22 has really been a year of self-reflection for me. I've feel like I've changed so much and my opinions and viewpoints on life are so different now than they have ever been. Actually, a few years ago I would say I probably didn't really have any opinions or viewpoints on life. I'm sure I will continue to change and I welcome the changes. Change is good. Scary, but still good.

I would say my life is not the most exciting. I've had the same job since I was 16. (Not doing the same thing, just at the same company). I've lived in the same town almost my entire life. Been around the same people, done the same things, been the same places. Now don't get me wrong, I love all these things and I'm quite content and comfortable. But that’s it, content and comfortable. I'm ready for some exciting city life, or to live in another country. I'm ready to pack up and go. Luckily, Chicago and Philadelphia seem to be on the horizon. And for another country, China is looking so good right now. I'm currently planning a trip to China in the spring, and I'm so excited to finally have some immersion into the culture and language. By next fall I should have my Bachelor's in English. After that I plan to get TESOL certified (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) through UCSB's extension program. After that, I can pretty much go anywhere in the world and teach English. China is, of course, my first choice. If that doesn't work out, I can always teach English at any grade level in the US, specifically Chicago or Philadelphia please. I’ve always wanted to live in a city, so I think I might just go for it.

Chicago is my ideal place to live. I love the city, the suburbs, the water, everything. I will take it all. However, in Philadelphia, I have a life waiting. Friends, family, and good times. San Francisco is a top contender too. So we’ll see what ends up happening. And yes I realize the winters are terrible. C’mon people, let’s have a little variety every now and then. 70 degree weather all year round is awesome, but sometimes a little cold would be nice too. Or even, a lot of cold. Now granted, I am aware I am tainted by the SoCal bubble, and probably after a year or two of winter, I will be pining for the palm trees I call home. That's fine with me, I just want to try it out. Whats wrong with that?! Nothing.

I think at the point when I’m really ready to settle down (buy a house, children... maybe…) I definitely want to raise them here, in SoCal. It’s an amazing place to grow up. I’m just ready to see what else is out there, outside of the SoCal bubble.

I finally have a plan. Now I have to put it into action. And to keep me motivated, I'm posting more pictures of Chicago. Ready, set…. GO!!!!